A prominent mosque in Bradford serving a large community, Abu Bakar Masjid has suffered from structural issues to its minarets since it was first constructed circa 1999.
The site is exposed to high wind conditions due to its setting and this has led to weaknesses in its minarets causing excessive movements.
Empace carried out advance structural analysis using the industry leading Tekla package to model the wind loading and found the previous minarets to be susceptible to movements beyond the allowances prescribed by modern codes of practise in structural engineering.
The solution involved strengthening works to the steelwork framing to bring the analytical movements down to acceptable levels. Careful attention to detailing played a critical part in making the strengthening proposals work as the existing steelwork was to remain in place whilst the new work was being carried out around them.
Abu Bakar Masjid
Bradford – West Yorkshire
Project Type
Religious Institute, Minaret Strengthening Works
Under Construction
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